Precipitate offers Advanced SSL Certificates

Encrypt sensitive information sent across the Internet so that only the intended recipient can understand it. We protect your site and ensure it stays protected, giving you more time to focus on your business.

Protect Sensitive User Data

Increase Customer Trust

Improve SEO Results

Extended Validation SSL

As the highest class of SSL available, Extended Validation SSL Certificates display your company name prominently in green in all major browsers and activates the padlock.

1 Year USDT 1120 (Annual Recurring) Order Today
2 Years USDT 2120 (Biennial Recurring - Save 30%) Order Today
3 Years USDT 3130 (Triennial Recurring - Save 50%) Order Today

Your Company Name in Green

Extended Validation certificates ensure that your company name is prominently displayed in green in the address bar, giving your customers confidence.

Standard DV SSL Certificates


Billed Annually

Domain Validation

5 Minute Issuance

$5,000 Warranty

Free Installation


Billed Annually

Domain Validation

5 Minute Issuance

$10,000 Warranty

Free Installation


Billed Annually

Domain Validation

5 Minute Issuance

$50,000 Warranty

Free Installation

Which type of SSL certificate is best for your website?

Precipitate issues all client websites with a complimentary basic SSL.
For optimal encryption, security, and customer trust, an Extended Validation SSL is highly recommended.
This is the gold standard for AI apps, and Web3 dapps.

Domain Validated (DV)

Domain Validated SSL certificates are no-frills, encryption-only certificates. In order to get a Domain Validated SSL Certificate you just have to prove that you own the domain name.


Issued within minutes

Lowest price certificate


Lower customer assurance

Known security weaknesses

Validation Level:

This certificate type is perfect for:

Peronsal websites, blogs and internal email accounts

Organization Validated (OV)

Organization Validated SSL certificates require more validation than domain validated certificates, but provide more trust as the business that owns the domain is verified.


No security weaknesses

Higher customer assurance


Takes time to issue

Requires additional verification

Validation Level:

This certificate type is perfect for:

Any website acquiring sensitive user information

Extended Validation (EV)

Extended Validation SSL certificates are the ultimate in online security. Due to the comprehnsive verification procedure required before issuance, customers can be sure who they are dealing with.


Ultimate in security

Highest customer assurance


Highest cost certificate

Comprehensive verification

Validation Level:

This certificate type is perfect for:

Legally registered businesses and shopping websites

Frequently Asked Questions

To help you make an informed decision, we've compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions relating to the products and services listed on this page.

If you can't find the answer to your question or if you would like more information about it, please feel free to contact us at any time and we'll be happy to help you.

Submit Your Questions
Yes, we provide both Artificial Intelligence support, and human technical support.
Yes, Precipitate is permissionless. All services are automatically fulfilled upon Web3 payment.